SPATAX International Registry for Natural History of SPG11 and SPG15
Brain and Spine Institute (ICM – Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière)
Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris
SPATAX has recently launched an international registry for the natural history of SPG11 and SPG15 patients (NAT-HIS SPG 11/15). NATHIS SPG11/15 aims to identify SPG11/15 prevalence, to understand the pathologies and management of symptoms.
All data reported will be visible to anyone who requests an access and includes patients. This project will permit an important improvement in the knowledge of the natural history of SPG11 and SPG15 and potentially improve the treatments currently proposed and to imagine new treatment avenues.
Every neurologist, neuro-pediatrist, neuro-geneticist can log into the SPATAX data base and register patients after they consented to be included.